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Consumer Tree Care

Tree Care Tips - PDF 16KB

  • Make a fresh cut on the butt to eliminate the seal and to allow for the tree to absorb water.  The amount necessary to cut off can vary.  The fresh-cut surface should be creamy-white, not yellow or brown.
  • Place the tree in a stand which will hold at least one gallon of water.   Remind them that an average tree may consume between two pints and a gallon of water per day.  If the water level drops below the butt, a seal will form which does not permit the tree to take in more water.  Water consumption is related to butt diameter and not to height.
  • If the tree is not going into the house soon after purchase, it should be stored on a cool porch or patio away from wind and sun.
  • Use the smallest lights possible to prevent a build-up of heat.
  • Place the tree away from heat sources such as vents, fireplaces, radiators or sunny windows.
  • Do not store Christmas trees in swimming pools to avoid the potential of chlorine-bleaching.






Modified - May 22, 2013